Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Increase Your Direct Mail & Email Response Rate in One Easy Step!

Personalized URLs are highly compelling, both for the marketer and the recipient, encouraging the beginning of a dialogue between the marketing company and the target market audience. When your clients and prospects see their name in the web address, they feel compelled to visit the site to see what it’s all about!

Benefits of PURLs

ü Engage prospects - Simple personalized web address gets more attention

ü Higher response rate – people are more likely to visit a web address which contains their name

ü Track web responses to direct mail campaign – you can see which prospects responded and when, what they clicked on and how much time they spent on the site

ü Personalize communications and follow up – you can set up automatic emails to let you know when a prospect clicks on their link so you can follow up in a timely manner

ü Build rapport and trust with clients: PURLs link to microsites which act as a dynamic online sales representative, allowing your prospects and clients more personal interaction helping to build more rapport and trust with your company

ü Targeted offer: PURLs allow testing of different offers to see which gets the best results and add or remove pages based on how long users stay on the site. Using PURLs to link to microsites is a highly flexible marketing approach. The microsite can be multi-purpose allowing you to use it for branding, special pricing and offers, new launches and even client education.

ü Branding tool – PURLs and microsites create a great impression of your company for new prospects or existing clients by providing targeted content, improving value to the prospect and engaging them more actively

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Exciting New Technologies for Direct Marketing Campaigns!

Today, direct mail campaigns are vastly different from the days of untargeted mailings to every known address in a zip code. Advances in the online and printing industries have are making it easy to present each targeted recipient with a unique and highly relevant message. Direct mail and email marketing response rates are also, notoriously difficult to track and measure. However, a new option is now available to allow you to measure the effectiveness of your campaign – and also help increase the response rate at the same time.

What are PURLs’ you may ask???

Personalized URLs (PURLs) represent a novel way to track, test and even tweak your marketing for better results.

A Personalized URL is a unique, personalized web address created specifically for each individual on your list who will receive postal or email marketing communications.

Personalized URLs actually contain the recipient's name in the web address, creating a truly personal and engaging experience that inspires people to visit their Personalized website.

To find out how PURLs can help your marketing campaign, call Kimber at MediaDyme today at 1-866-575-3771 ext 101 or visit our website at

Friday, December 3, 2010

Make Your Marketing Personal with Text Messaging from MediaDyme

Your cell phone goes with you wherever you go, it’s usually within arms reach at any given time and you use it to talk, text, email, surf the web and more. The cell phone has become the personal medium of communication and interaction and if by turning it into a direct marketing channel, you can improve your results by connecting with your customers in a more personal way.

MediaDyme’s combination of reminder and promotion text message marketing is the ideal solution for any service business and allows you to plan your promotions in advance and run automatically! Call today and let us help guide you on how you can setup a “set it and forget it” mobile marketing strategy today.

Call Kimber at MediaDyme today at 1-866-575-3771 ext 101 or visit our website at

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Car Dealerships Get In On The Text Messaging Trend!

Text messaging is becoming more and more common for car dealerships and other service businesses. According to a study by Wham Mobile a text message is typically read within 4 minutes, while an email is typically read within 48 hours and for a car dealership, and other markets show similar results. This makes it even more powerful and important to be using mobile marketing as a means of connecting with your customers, sending reminders and reducing the amount of wasted time and lost revenue for your business.

Using texting can help generate more customers for car dealerships and improve service and sales by allowing them to sending simple regular service reminders, appointment reminders, “Time for an oil change” alerts. Add to this the ability to send money-off coupons for the service department, lease specials or notice of a new model in the showroom and you have a simple, yet effective method of promotion to your customers.

For more information on how you can use text messaging to reach your clients and prospects on the go call or email Kimber Williams at MediaDyme 1-866-575-3771 ext 101 or

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Most Useful Tool for Service Businesses Since the Internet

When you leave the house in the morning, what do you grab before you leave? For most people, they make sure they have their keys, wallet and of course, their cell phone. The fact that just about everyone has a cell phone and is so attached to it that they carry it around wherever they go makes it a great device to turn into a marketing tool – and allows you to communicate with your customers using a preferred method of communication – the text message.

Did You Know?

People have their cell phone with them an average of 5,840 hours per year compared to 2,920 hours they spend in front of their PC.~ Single Point June 2010

72% of adults send and receive text messages everyday. ~ eMarketer September 2010

For more information on how you can use text messaging to reach your clients and prospects on the go call or email Kimber Williams at MediaDyme 1-866-575-3771 ext 101 or

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fix Your No Show Problem!

In a world where people are bombarded by information every minute of the day, their days filled with running from here to there, it’s easy to forget something. Missed appointments are a common – and costly – problem in the U.S., causing lost time, energy, man power and money for your business.\

Thousands of car repair and service appointments, dental checkups, salon and spa appointments and doctor’s visits are missed every day. Any business owner knows that a minute that isn’t spent with a client is a dollar that you don’t earn!

Do you run a professional or personal service business? What if you could automatically send your customers a text message reminder of their appointment right to their phone?

Your customers would remember their appointment, be more likely to show up on time and you would get paid more! Not only would you increase revenue but you would increase customer satisfaction too.

For more information on how you can use text message reminders to streamline your business, please contact Kimber Williams at MediaDyme.

Call 1-866-575-3771 ext 101 or email

Friday, November 5, 2010

Personalized URL’s (PURLS): The New Wave for Direct Marketing

Direct mail and email marketing response rates are notoriously difficult to track and measure. However, an effective new tool is now available - PURLs allow you to measure the effectiveness of your campaign – elevating the impact of direct mail to a whole new level!

What are PURLs’ you may ask???

Personalized URLs (PURLs) represent a novel way to track, test and even tweak your marketing for better results.

What is a PURL?

You may have received a postcard in the mail or even an email from a company you do business with and noticed that they invite you to visit a website – and the website link has your name in it! Well, you can’t help but click on the link and go to the site just to see what it’s all about, right?

A Personalized URL is a unique, personalized web address created specifically for each individual on your list who will receive postal or email marketing communications.

Personalized URLs actually contain the recipient's name in the web address, creating a truly personal and engaging experience that inspires people to visit their personalized website.

Easily Engage Your Clients

They can’t help but think “What’s in it for me?” and many find that a PURL becomes a call to action in and of itself! The person visits the highly targeted and customized VIP landing page, and they find information they expect based upon the direct mail piece or email they received. The prospects become engaged and stay engaged longer.

Personalized URLs are highly compelling, both for the marketer and the recipient, since they include both their name and a key personal interest (your product or service). This encourages the beginning of a dialogue between your company and your target market audience. When they see their name in the web address, they feel compelled to visit the site to see what it’s all about!

Direct mail, the Internet and your sales team work together as a cohesive powerful force!

With PURL’s you can improve your direct mail response rates, provide relevant content to prospects, engage viewers in a meaningful (and trackable) dialogue, and better convert viewer’s preferences into revenue.

For more information, please contact MediaDyme at 866-575-3771 ext 101 or visit their website at